Friday, May 6, 2011


GATTACA Movie!!! =)
I wasn't here for most of this movie, therefore I kinda had to wing it, while using my other resources. But I tried! =)

Questions Regarding GATTACA!
1. The following terms were used in the movie. How do they relate to the words we use: degenerate and invalid?
         De-gene-erate: What a god child is called
         In-valid: The type of person that wasn’t made
         Borrowed Ladder: A person that you disguise yourself as

2. Why do you think Vincent left his family, tearing his picture out of the family photo, after winning the swimming race against his brother?
I think he finally left the family so he could start his life over in a sense and prove his point to his brother that he could do whatever he set his mind too even though he was different. However after he finished that he seemed to have the strength to move on with his life, and finish things he thrived to do.

3. Describe the relationship between Vincent and Anton.
Vincent and Anton, were brothers in this movie. They were extremely competitive with one another. Both of the two were always trying to be better than the other at multiple things. Anton just happened to be the detective in Vincent's case which added to this sibling rivalry.

4. When Jerome Morrow said to Vincent/Jerome, “They’re not looking for you. When they look at you, they only see me,” what did he mean? Can you find any parallels to this type of situation in real life?
 What he meant by this situation was that technically speaking Vincent no longer existed now that Jerome had become what Vincent once was. Therefor no one realized that Jerome was around because the connection between the two was never made. Also this conversation could have meant that being accused of things would no longer happen to Vincent because his record show him as another person. I would say that the parallel in this situation is when Jerome hears something about his old self. He would more than likely become nervous because he is still the same person overall.

5. Choose your favorite character from the film. Explain why you choose that person. Would you want to be that person? Why? Why not?
My favorite character in GATTACA would have to have been Vincent. In my opinion he was the most prominant character with an idea and a mission, which added to the excitement of his character. Also he was very determined to accomplish certain activities and that drive was a great characteristic to me. However I did feel bad for him since he had to change his identity. 

6. At the end of the film, you are told that the Doctor knew about Vincent all along. Why did the Doctor go along with the fraud? What would you have done if you were the Doctor?
            I would have to say that the doctor went along with the deception the whole time because he was on Vincent's side and he wanted him to accomplish what he set out to do. Personally I would probably have went along with it as well because I wouldn't want to rat someone out that had worked so hard to be an achiever.

7. The technology to do what was done in the movie is definitely possible within the next fifty years. Do you think that Vincent’s world could eventually happen in America? Why?
 I don't think this would necessarily happen in America because we have rights within the government. I'm sure throughout the years this process could happen, especially with how fast our technology changes, so I wouldn't doubt it occurring, but I don't believe it will be that popular in America.

8. What do you think is wrong with the society portrayed in "GATTACA"? What is right?
 I don't believe anything was necessarily right in this movie. The whole point of the parents choosing how the baby would be was in my opinion wrong. You should love the baby you conceive without changing it. The discrimination that was presented against the "invalid" ones, was ridiculous to me. After all nothing is perfect. To me it seemed like if you weren't perfect than you weren't good enough and I really disliked that situation.

9. What were the screenwriters trying to tell us through the episode of the 12-fingered pianist? Is anything wrong with engineering children to have 12 fingers if, as a result, they will be able to make extraordinarily beautiful music?
 I believe the screenwriters were trying to say that people would start trying to engineer children to be good at certain things and succeed in them, which is obviously wrong because its what the  parents want not the children.

10. You and your spouse are having a child and are at the Genetic Clinic pictured in the movie. What characteristics would you want for your child and what would you ask to be excluded? Why would you make those choices?
Normally I woul say that there is no way I would go to a clinic sugh as this because of the ways they discriminate against babies that are yet to even be born. But if I had to choose I would want them to be very athletic, tall and smart. However I would take out my families "mole" gene from the sequence.

11. Picture yourself as either Vincent, Jerome, or Anton. Would you have acted the same or done things differently if you were in the same world as them?
 I probably would've acted the same as they all had. Each of them handled each situation in the best way that they could and I don't think anyone should doubt them about their actions. However I would not have committed suicide like Jerome did.

12. How does the society in GATTACA resemble the type of society America was during the height of the eugenics movement?
People were extremely anxious and excited about being able to create their own baby and help make them "better" in their eyes which is just like in GATTACA. However in GATTACA the clinic babies were the only ones who were accepted for the eugenics experiment.

Overall I enjoyed the parts and pieces I seen to the GATTACA movie. It was a very different movie, but it taught me a lot about eugenics. However I hope America never turns into a country where we create our children instead of just conceiving them naturally.

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