Fun Facts! =)
Fact #1:
It takes about 8 hours for one of your cells to completely copy its DNA.
Fact #2:
If you were to stretch out the 46 chromosomes in one cell and lay them end to end, they will be over 2 yards in length.
Fact #3:
If the total DNA in one person were laid in a straight line, it would stretch to the sun and back over 30 times! -93 million mile from here to the sun-
Fact #4:
The human DNA code is made up of about three thousand million A,T, C, and G's on each end of a DNA strand.
Fact #5:
One thousand nuclei would fit across the period at the end of this sentence.
Fact #6:
If the human genome was a book, it would be equivalent to 800 dictionaries.
Fact #7:
Humans are 99.8% genetically identical, only 0.2% of our genetic make up differs.
Fact #8:
One million threads of DNA could fit across the period at the end of this sentence.
Fact #9:
It would take a person typing 60 words per minute, 8 hours a day, for around 50 years to type the human genome.
Fact #10: The nucleus within a cell is so tiny it could easily fit on the head of a sewing pin!
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